Clubs & Groups
While Savannah Lakes Village is not an age-restricted retirement community, it's a fact that a majority of our members are retired or semi-retired. Many residents have an intense interest in outdoor activities or other interests, and they also have ample time to connect with other like-minded people.
We believe the experiences that make life richer are magnified when shared.
Our community has a number of sanctioned clubs and groups. These clubs span a wide gamut of interests areas, everything from birdwatching to golf to shooting sports. There are also structured group activities and instruction available through our Recreation Center. SLV also recognizes other non-sanctioned groups in the community that provide a significant value to SLV and our property owners.
With a vibrant, growing community of more than 2,000 residents, you are sure to find a group of people who are interested in the same things that you enjoy.
Sanctioned Clubs and Organizations
- SLV Camping Club
- SLV Softball Group
- SLV Pickleball Club
- McCormick Area Veterans Association (MAVA)
- SLV Celtic Heritage Club
- SLV Women's 9-Hole Social Golf Group (WSG9)
- SLV Bluebird Conservation Club
- SLV Outdoor Adventure Club
- Green Curtains
- The McCormick Garden Club
- Sundays at Four
- SLV Men's 9-Hole Social Golf Group (MSG9)
- Rod & Gun Club
- McCormick County Community Chorus
- America's Boating Club – Thurmond Lake
- SLV Road Warriors
- SLV Ladies Lunch Bunch
- SLV Wine Club
- SLV Women's Golf Association
- SLV Men's Golf Association
- Beginner's MahJong
- Art Enthusiasts Open Studio
- McCormick County Mac User Group
- SLV Needle Arts
- SLV Euchre Club
- SLV Mah Jong Group
- SLV Computer Club
- SLV Book Club
- SLV Canasta Group
- SLV Beginner's Bridge
- SLV Quilting Club
- SLV Duplicate Bridge Club (ACBL Registered Group)
SLV Recognized Groups
- American Cancer Society - McCormick County
- American Heart Association - McCormick County
- American Red Cross - McCormick County
- Habitat For Humanity - McCormick County
- Helping Hands United - McCormick County (The Food Pantry)
- SC Governor's School for Agriculture at John de la Howe
- March of Dimes - McCormick County
- McCormick Children's Home
- McCormick County Friends of the Library (Books on Main)
- Humane Society of McCormick County
- Public Services Organizations
- Sandy Branch Fire Department
- McCormick Arts Council at the Keturah (MACK)
- McCormick County Chamber of Commerce
- McCormick County Historical Society
- McCormick County Senior Center
- McCormick County Visitor's Council
- McCormick Gold Rush, Inc.
- Willington on the Way
- Freshwater Coast Community Foundation
- Savannah Valley Rails to Trails
- Western SC Blueway Festival Committee
- Clemson Extension Services
- McCormick County Exchange Club
- Lions Club
- McCormick County Rotary Club
- McCormick Council of Government
- McCormick County Government
- McCormick County Planning Commission
- McCormick County Schools of Inquiry & Innovation
- Town of McCormick